Notice on Holding the 6th China Medical Device Vigilance Conference (Fourth Round)

  • 2022-10-10
To all institutions concerned,
The China Association for Medical Devices Industry (“CAMDI”) has decided to hold the 6th China Medical Device Vigilance Conference (“Conference”) on November 24-25, 2022 in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
I. Conference background 
The Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices clearly states that China should establish a medical device adverse event monitoring system. Medical device vigilance refers to activities of monitoring, identifying, assessing, and controlling medical device adverse events based on medical device adverse event monitoring and reevaluation, to improve the medical device safety risk control ability. In the face of continuous innovation in medical device products, ensuring product safety has become an intrinsic requirement for industry innovation. It’s important to pay high attention to and strengthen medical device vigilance for medical device R&D, production, use, and regulation under the new situation. 
The China Medical Device Vigilance Conference, previously known as the China Medical Devices Risk Management Seminar or the China Medical Devices Risk Management Forum, has been held successfully for five sessions. Closely around the national and industrial development strategies, the China Medical Device Vigilance Conference focuses on the hotspots in the development of medical device regulation and has achieved extensive social influence by launching a series of forward-looking, open and application-based high-end academic exchange activities. 
In order to further deepen society’s understanding of medical device vigilance and strengthen lifecycle risk prevention and control of medical devices, the Conference will invite famous scholars and industry experts in the fields of medical device R&D, production and use in China as well as experts from domestic and foreign regulatory agencies to exchange ideas on their latest research results, look into future development trends and contribute to the high-quality development of medical device vigilance. 
II. Conference theme 
Themed “Innovation, Cooperation, Sharing and Promoting High-quality Development of Medical Device Vigilance”, the Conference will center on medical device regulations and new regulatory initiatives, risk management of innovative medical device products, application of real-world data in medical device vigilance, etc. for in-depth discussion. 
III. Host and undertaker 
Sponsored by:

China Association for Medical Devices Industry
Supported by: 

Center for Drug Reevaluation, NMPA
(National Center for ADR Monitoring, China) 
Undertaken by: 

Pharmacovigilance Professional Committee of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association 
Innovation Services Committee of China Association for Medical Devices Industry
Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
IV. Conference time and place 
(I) Conference time: November 24-25, 2022 (check-in starts at 13:30 on the 23rd and ends at 12:00 PM on the 25th)
(II) Conference place: Shaoxing The Xianheng Hotel (No. 179, Luxun Middle Road, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City) 
V. Participants 
Relevant responsible persons of medical device registrants, and responsible persons and professional and technical personnel for adverse event monitoring; staff of medical device regulatory and adverse event monitoring bodies at different levels; medical device adverse event monitoring staff of medical institutions and contract research organizations (CROs); personnel responsible for the settings and services of electronic databases for medical device adverse event monitoring; personnel responsible for medical device R&D management and decision-making; people from all walks of life who have a passion for and specialize in medical device adverse event monitoring 
VI. Conference form 
Given the special situation of COVID-19 prevention and control, the Conference will take place both online and offline, with a few spaces for on-site participation. Please select the method of participation while registering. 
The Conference language will be Chinese. 
VII. Conference agenda
See Attachment 1. 
VIII. Conference registration 
Registration method 
Please sign up for the Conference through the conference website or by scanning the following QR code. 

The above is an excerpt of the notice content. 
