CAMDI Investigates the Application of Rare Earth Materials in the Medical Device Industry

  • 2020-12-15

Commissioned by the Department of Raw Material Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Deputy Secretary General Hu Huihui and Deputy Secretary General Su Wenna of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI) carried out a related investigation of the “application of emerging raw materials in the area of medical devices” in Baotou from December 11 to 12, 2020.

  The CAMDI investigation group mainly visited Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths, Baotou Steel Rare Earth Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd., and Baotou Xibao Bowei Medical System Co., Ltd. to inspect and investigate the entire industrial chain of “raw material R&D – specific materials – finished product production”. China is a country rich in rare earth resources. During the investigation, the investigation group discussed how to reasonably develop the raw materials, how to reasonably produce and use them to play their proper value, how to conduct resource reuse, etc. with related personnel. Rare earths are known as industrial “gold”, and their most remarkable functionality is to significantly improve the quality and performance of other products because they have excellent photo-electro-magnetic physical properties, among others, and they can be used with other materials to form a variety of new materials with different properties, for example, they can substantially improve the performance of steel, aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy and titanium alloy used in the manufacture of tanks, aircraft and missiles. Furthermore, rare earths are also lubricants for electronics, lasers, nuclear industry, superconductivity, and many other high technologies.

A questionnaire survey on related issues is also being conducted widely and openly, in the hope of giving good counsel on the full exploitation and utilization of limited resources in the production application of the medical device industry.
