PWC: Listing of Medical Device Enterprises for Sci-tech Innovation Boar, what should be focused on

  • 2019-12-10

The sci-tech innovation board has been open for nearly half a year since its first batch of companies officially goes public on July 22, 2019. Up to now, a total of 180 enterprises have applied for listing on the sci-tech innovation board, and 67 enterprises have successfully listed on the board. According to the latest summary of sector data, the special equipment manufacturing industry is a very important industry of sci-tech innovation board. And the medical device industry is a kind of special equipment manufacturing industry.

During the preparation process for listing of medical device manufacturers, besides, the points that shall be paid special attention to are as follows:

1. Compliance of medical device sales;

2. Collection of accounting and capitalization for R&D expenditure;

3. Handling of special grants and support projects of government; and

4. Compliance of sales promotion expenses.
