Member Congress of CAMDI In Vitro Diagnosis (IVD) Branch Held in Qingdao

  • 2019-10-23

On October 20, 2019, the 5th Member Congress of the 1st Session of In Vitro Diagnosis (IVD) Branch of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI) was held in Qingdao.

The Congress was presided over by Chairman Zhu Yaoyi. According to the agenda, the Chairman reported the main work of the First Council to all member units. Then, as per the relevant articles of association of CAMDI and the requirements of general election, Zhang Lin, Deputy Secretary General of CAMDI, chaired and supervised the whole process of the election. By the vote of all the representatives, a new Council was formed.

Shanghai Fosun Long March Medical Science Co., Ltd. served as the Chairman, Chen Jun from Suzhou Medical Device Innovation Center as the Secretary General, 14 companies including Beijing Strong Biotechnologies, Inc. as Vice Chairman and 22 companies including Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. as Council members.

The first working meeting of the new Council in the same period, at which the work of branches in 2020 was planned and proposed.
