Symposium on Technology Innovation of Medical Devices and Clinical Trials and Inauguration Ceremony of Clinical Trail Branch of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI) Held in Shenzhen

  • 2018-12-18
Backed by medical experts and relevant medical enterprises, the inauguration ceremony of the Clinical Trial Branch of CAMDI officially kicked off at Grand Soluxe Zhongyou Hotel Shenzhen on December 15, 2018. The branch was designed to serve the reform and innovation of the pharmaceutical industry of China, promote the development of clinical trials of medical devices, deliver safer application of medical devices, and fully implement the Health China Strategy.

The following well-known experts, directors, and heads from clinical trial institutions, pharmaceutical industry groups, production and R&D companies, and the preparation committee of the Clinical Trial Branch attended the ceremony: Zhang Wenkang, lifelong honorary president of Maternal and Child Health Care of China Association and former Minister of Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China (MOH); Jiang Feng, executive vice president of CAMDI; Xu Shan, secretary general of CAMDI; Shen Li, secretary general of Center for Cardiovascular Innovation (CCI); director Wang Huanling and director Li Shugang from Peking Union Medical College Hospital; director Shu Chang, director Tang Yue, and director Ouyang Chenxi from the Fuwai Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS); director Zhao Hong from Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

Photo of all attendees

The chairman of the first council of Clinical Trial Branch of CAMDI was Dong Jiahong, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and the executive director of Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital. Sun Jingsheng was selected as the Executive Vice President and Liu Zhen was appointed as the Secretary General. The vice-chairman units include Lepu Medical, GRIMED Medical, Jietong Connaught, TACRO Technology, Deneng Medical Science and Technology, Pfarrell, and RAMED. The inauguration ceremony of the Clinical Trial Branch was opened by Minister Zhang Wenkang, Executive Vice President Jiang Feng, and the heads and representatives of the first council.

Photo of the opening ceremony

Jiang Feng, the Standing Vice-Chairman of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI), is in the formal awarding for the Clinical Trial Branch

In his speech at the inauguration ceremony, Mr Dong said that he will promote the "BBC" clinical transformation model by taking advantage of the platform offered by Clinical Trial Branch of CAMDI. "BBC” means that based on clinical problems and market demands (Bedside), laboratories (Bench) are utilized to complete scientific research on clinical transformation, thus further developing medical products for clinical patients (Customer).

Mr Dong is delivering a speech

Since its preparation, the Clinical Trial Branch has received strong support of 66 experts from 51 medical institutions and research institutions. During the inauguration ceremony, the list of experts of the first council was announced. Zhang Wenkang awarded Ge Junbo, who was appointed as the first chief chairman of the branch, as well as Shu Chang and Wang Huanling, who were appointed as representatives of committee experts for the Clinical Trial Branch, their letters of appointment, respectively. However, the letter of appointment of Ge Junbo was received by Shen Li.


Mr Dong and Mr Li signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the presence of all participants. CAMDI and CCI signed a strategic cooperation agreement with a view to jointly building an industry chain for medical device innovation, and a platform for technology innovation cooperation of China's cardiovascular medical devices. Both party thereto will strive to build a communication platform for doctors and enterprises to jointly solve clinical problems in cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment and technology research, as a way to conduct exchanges between the academic community and the industry. Committed to the reform and innovation of the pharmaceutical industry of China, they will focus their efforts on training exchanges, cooperation of independent research projects, information exchanges and data sharing, in a move to achieve safer application of cardiovascular medical devices in China.

Signing of the strategic cooperation agreement

The election meeting of Clinical Trial Branch was chaired by Xu Shan, and Ouyang Chenxi served as the chief scrutineer. As a result of the election, Lepu Medical, GRIMED Medical, Jietong Connaught, TACRO Technology, Deneng Medical Science and Technology, Pfarrell, and RAMED were appointed as the vice-chairman units of the first council. A total of 19 candidates including Beijing JRCRO and Links CRO was officially selected as chairman units of the first council.

Executive Vice President Sun Jingsheng was presiding over the symposium

During the symposium, experts, representatives, audiences, and the participants had a heated discussion.
