Laboratory Testing Division of Wuxi AppTec Group Attended the Medtec Medical Device Design & Manufacturing Summit Forum

  • 2018-10-08

On September 27, 2018, the Medtec Medical Device Design & Manufacturing Summit Forum was held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. As an international integrated service platform, the Laboratory Testing Division (LTD) of Wuxi AppTec attended the forum and showcased its business and ability in medical devices to the participants.

The LTD can provide testing and regulation services ranging from R&D to marketization of medical devices. It is reported that its Medical Device Testing Center located in Suzhou, Jiangsu will be completed and put into pilot operation. The Center will provide comprehensive medical device testing service of international quality standard. The service ranges from physical testings, such as biological material analysis toxicology, biocompatibility, risk assessment, product sterility design microbiology, packaging and shelf life, to batch release testing. At the same time, the Center plans to establish a doctor training center of international level to contribute to the close industry-university-research collaboration and steady development of the medical device industry in China.

At the Summit Forum site, the medical device testing expert group of the LTD shared their opinions on such hot topics as global pre-clinical testing regulations, biological evaluation of medical devices, characteristics study on design materials of medical devices, and radiation dose verification survivors.

“As the economy grows, and the social aging increases in China, major diseases like tumors become increasingly frequent, and the medical device industry grows fast,” said Dr. Liu Fujun, senior vice president of Wuxi AppTec and COO of the LTD, “the medical device industry is welcoming a good development trend of innovation in China, and we are full of confidence in the industry’s future. "

Mr. Zhang Lin, deputy secretary-general of the CAMDI said the CAMDI has been paying great attention to the innovation of the medical devices device industry in China. And he expressed his expectation, on behalf of the CAMDI, that the Medical Device Testing Center of the LTD of Wuxi AppTec can contribute to the innovation and development of the medical devices device industry in China.
