TCM Participates in Healthcare and Pension Industry: Popular Concept of Disease Prevention

  • 2016-08-31

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a unique hygiene resource, which integrates prevention and treatment of disease with healthcare and has characteristics and advantages of obvious clinical efficacy, special effects of prevention and healthcare, flexible treatment methods and relevantly low costs. Under the overall trends of care for health and life quality, TCM attracts more and more attentions by means of “prevention of diseases”, healthcare and pension service in order to for the sake of people’s health.

Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for TCM Development points out that TCM service shall be available for everyone until 2020: 1. Providing TCM service through basic medical security; 2. Everyone has access to TCM service. An officer in charge of Department of Medical Administration in State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine told the reporter that, in order to achieve the objective, State Administration will emphasize on three aspects. It is said that, during the thirteenth five-year, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Family Planning Commission, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, CFDA and CMC Logistical Support Department Health Bureau will jointly initiate a  Five-Year Plan for capacity expansion of primary TCM service, and continually increase their TCM service capacity. TCM comprehensive service centers such as Chinese Medical Center and TCM Hall will be built in over 85% of community health centers and over 70% of township hospitals.
