Inspired by Discussion with Premier Li, Four Ministries and Commissions Joint Efforts to Reduce Taxes and Burdens for Maker Space

  • 2016-08-15

Within a half month, Ur Work, a make space established only for one year, received the survey team of Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, State Administration of Industry and Commerce, and Ministry of Science and Technology, and enjoyed a real gift of tax and burden reduction. All these achievements are sourced from a discussion between Premier Li Keqiang and Mao Daqing, the president of Ur Work.

On July 11 of this year, Premier Li Keqiang presided a discussion focused on listening to suggestions of specialists and entrepreneurs in terms of scientific judgment on economic situations and how to make economic preparations. As an entrepreneurial representative of innovative and entrepreneurial industry, Mao Daqing said in his speech that, in the last year, Chinese maker space-based entrepreneurial industry has led the world under the support of the central government but requires further support from business registration and tax policies.

Li Keqiang immediately ordered the heads of related agencies present in the discussion to make further investigations. He emphasized that, aimed at the expectation of market entity, we shall streamline administration and delegate power to the lower levels, delegate power and strengthen regulation, optimize service reform, carry out tax reduction policies such as replacement the business tax with a value-added tax appropriately.

Li Keqiang requested in his talk that, based on “Internet plus”, we shall promote thriving development of new technologies, new formats and new models, development of new employment pattern and new dynamics growth, which can facilitate the reform of traditional industries, thus accelerating conversion of new and old dynamics and promote new economic structure. The new economy will play more and more important roles in optimization of supply, growth support, job absorption and living standards improvement. The premier stressed, “We shall vigorously implement innovation-driven development strategy and depend on mass entrepreneurship and innovation to stimulate the market's vitality. ”
