Circular of National Healthcare Security Administration on Issuing Guideline for Healthcare Security Standardization

  • 2019-06-28
To the Healthcare Security Administrations in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,

In order to accelerate the construction of healthcare security standardization, we have studied and drafted the Guideline for Healthcare Security Standardization. It is hereby printed and distributed to you for compliance and implementation according to actual situation.

National Healthcare Security Administration
June 20, 2019

Guideline for Healthcare Security Standardization
In order to thoroughly implement the national standardization strategy and accelerate the formation of a unified national healthcare security standardization system, the Guideline is made according to the Circular of the State Council on Issuing the Scheme for Deepening Reform of the Work of Standardization (GF [2015] No.13]) and the Outline of the Plan of the National Standardization System Development (2016-2020), combined with the needs for reform and development of healthcare security. The following is the main framework. See the original text for more details.
I. Fully understand the importance and urgency of healthcare security standardization
II. Accurately grasp the overall requirements of healthcare security standardization
(I) Guiding thoughts
(II) Basic principles
(III) Main objective
III. Establish and improve the standardization system of healthcare security in the new era
(I) Improve the basis of standardization
1. Conduct basic researches.
2. Establish working mechanisms.
(II) Strengthen the standardization in key areas
1. Basic common standards.
2. Management specifications.
3. Public service standards.
4. Evaluation and supervision standards.
(III) Fully implement standards
1. Organize pilot use.
2. Strengthen dynamic maintenance.
3. Promote the integration of standardization and informatization.
4. Supervise and evaluate the implementation of standards.
IV. Strengthen measures for healthcare security standardization
(I) Strengthen the organizational leadership
(II) Pool all forces
(III) Strengthen business training
(IV) Enhance publicity and guidance
